“I loved the music, and you can quote me.”
--Ahmet Ertegun, former President, Atlantic Records & former chairman, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

The musical selections below are from the 1998 Original
Cast Recording from The Pasadena Playhouse production.

The full CD is available upon request. Please contact us
for more information.

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1. All They Want Is A Wave
The royal family appears on the balcony singing their thoughts. The British public joins the song, singing of their adoration of the royals
2. I Shall Serve
David sings of his desire to be a good king who serves his people and who hopes to bring them into the modern era.
3. What Would You Give for Love?
A playful song sung by Wallis who is then joined by David.

4. The Moment
David and Wallis sing of the special connection they feel for each other.

5. What Does He See In Her?
Elsa and the ensemble sing about David and Wallis's flirtation which she has just witnessed. The song points out their view of Wallis's unsuitability as a partner for David.

6. Uh-Uh
David and Wallis continue their flirtation as they go nightclubbing, partying and on a cruise to the coasts of France and Spain, always with friends who are along as chaperones.

7. In Wonderland
Before this scene, King George V has died and David is now king. Wallis sings of her excitement that the King of England is in love with her.

8. Unfit to Rule
As the royal romance becomes publicly known, British leaders, the rest of the royal family and the general public sing of their contempt for David's behavior.

9. What is Forever?
As Wallis and David say good-bye at the dock where she is about to leave for France to await her divorce, David sings of his desperate love for her. Wallis writes a letter to David breaking off the relationship. This is the close of Act I.

10. The King's Party
David and Churchill sing about the conflict, each trying to persuade the other but each treating the other with regard and respect.

11. Except Goodbye
Ernest visits Wallis on the Riviera and attempts to convince her to return to him. She gently refuses and they sing this song of farewell.

12. Rally at Downing Street
A crowd forms in support of the King and they sing of their devotion to him. David, Churchill, Georgie, and Simon are unseen witnesses to this event which devolves into a disruptive mob.

13. David's Meditation
David realizes he must make his decision: Wallis or the throne. He cannot have both. This song is about his thoughts as he faces the reality of the situation.

14. The Moment/All is Love (Reprise)
David secretly visits Wallis on the Riviera and they reprise their two love songs.

15. Home is Where the Duchess Is
Epilogue: fifteen years after his wedding to Wallis, David visits England for the funeral of his brother, George VI (the present Queen's father) who had succeeded him. He is asked by reporters where does he consider his home to be; this song is his answer.

16. Home is Where the Duchess Is (Reprise)
Reprise of the previous song as Wallis and David watch the televised coronation of his niece, Queen Elizabeth. Wallis joins David in the song.

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